Elissa Rivas
Elissa Rivas was born and raised in Dallas, but after living and working throughout the Southwest, is so happy to make the Houston area her home.

She attended college at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, majoring in Political Science and Communications. Elissa took her first job in television news as a reporter and anchor in Yuma, Arizona. Still, her heart longed for Texas so she returned to the Lone Star State to live and work in El Paso. There she covered the intense impact of the 9-11 attacks on immigration and border traffic.

Elissa has been recognized for her work by receiving the regional and national RTNDA Edward R. Murrow Award for her continuing coverage of a child abduction and murder in El Paso. Through her work documenting teenage alcohol and substance abuse, she earned a National Communicator Award of Distinction and a first-place award in Serious Feature reporting from the Texas Associated Press.

Now in Houston, you can find her reporting on Houston traffic in the evening newscasts and anchoring Eyewitness News at 9 p.m. on the CW39. She loves to hear from viewers about the stories she covers and with new ideas for stories.

Elissa's parents impressed upon her the importance of education, and that's why she's proud to be involved with the Adult Reading Center of Pearland. She emcees the organization's Red Hat Literacy Luncheon each year, and to honor her commitment, the Adult Reading Center started a scholarship in her name, "The Elissa Rivas Scholarship Fund." The scholarships honor the courage and drive of their clients who've learned to read as adults, and fund their continued education -- GED, community college, and beyond.

Elissa and her husband spend much of their free time cheering for our beloved Houston Astros, hiking in state parks, and trying to keep up with their two girls. Elissa's enjoying the challenge of working as a full-time journalist AND a full-time mom!

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Elissa's Stories
Thousands of trail riders arriving in Houston ahead of 2025 Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo
More than 2,000 trail riders on 11 different routes are descending on Houston's Memorial Park prior to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.
METRO to address riders' immediate concerns with latest plan
Houston METRO is unveiling its latest plan to improve transportation in our communities. As part of its preparations for the FIFA World Cup, Houston METRO wants to prioritize direct routes to and from the airports.
Construction on north Beltway 8 heading towards IAH is scheduled to be finished in 2025, TxDOT says
The construction on Beltway 8 can be quite the headache for northside drivers and many others who head to Bush Airport, but TxDOT says it is scheduled to be finished this year.
Houston transportation agencies keeping eyes on forecast ahead of next week's freezing weather
As southeast Texas awaits freezing weather in the next week, local transportation agencies say they are keeping a close eye on the forecast.
First weekend of January has construction closures affecting downtown drive
Weekend traffic should be light as so many travelers hit the road during what is considered the end of the holiday travel rush. However, there are closures to look out for.
TxDOT buys back SH-288 toll road, and drivers want to know when toll prices will drop
Now that the State of Texas has taken over the operation of the 288 Expressway, will those tolls ever drop? Officials say TxDOT could consider it once a $1.7 billion debt is paid off.
Houston Airport System to open new pick-up area meant to unclog the exit to IAH
As we prepare for the next big wave of holiday travel, travelers will see another big improvement in traffic flow at Bush Intercontinental Airport this weekend.
Rice senior chosen for 'college-quince', thanks to HACER for Hispanic Heritage Month highlight
Rice University's HACER hosted its annual quince for a senior who stressed she wanted to connect to her Mexican roots after not having the rite of passage celebration when she was 15.
The end of trucks hitting Houston Avenue bridge? TxDOT has plan that will also solve I-10 flooding
The project can't arrive soon enough. The state said trucks hitting the bridge have already doubled from the year before, and there's months left in 2024.