What Houston's Black Friday shopping looked like in early 1980s

Friday, November 23, 2018
What Houston's Black Friday shopping was like in 1980s
There were no smart phones and apps, but parking lots were full. Some things never change!

HOUSTON, Texas -- Some holiday traditions go back for decades, they just look a bit different.

We checked in on some ABC13 coverage of Houston's Black Friday shopping, circa 1981.

There were no smart phones and apps, and Cyber Monday wasn't even dreamed up. But at Marshall Field and Company, as it was known then, the holiday shopping season was celebrated with the Houston Grand Opera to entertain crowds.

Some things never change. Parking lots were full, and shoppers were eyeing deals on electronics and home entertainment. But instead of laptops and Xbox gaming systems, they were hoping for deals on turntables, electronic games like chess and bridge and 'miniaturized stereo sets' -- whatever those may have been!


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