RePurpose Depot offers supplies at less than half the cost to remodel your home

Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Remodel your home with supplies at less than half the usual cost
Remodel your home with supplies at less than half the usual cost.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- Want to refurbish items in your home?

RePurpose Depot could help you remodel your home for half the cost of big box stores.

Caroline Kostak has come full circle in her career, from being a general contractor for assembly of a space station at NASA to deconstructing and finding materials to reuse for homes.

"It's a very high-performance structure, so doing that green building here on earth is not that much different than doing it in space. And it feels a little more relevant to the people in our community," said Kostak, RePurpose Depot's owner.

RePurpose Depot has been filling up its warehouse with lighting fixtures, cabinets, doors, electronics, and more.

Reusing the items saves these materials from the landfills.

"We don't take things that were flooded. The homeowner gets a tax benefit, and they are able to make those materials available to those who can't afford to go to the store or don't want to spend more money," said Kostak.

But the message Kostak and her team share dives deeper than just repurposing materials. It's also about people who are trying to rehabilitate their lives from all kinds of obstacles.

"We bring people in that need a job, good quality employment, teach them how to serve others and the community," said Jerry Howell, De-Construction Manager.

RePurpose Depot is having a grand opening on July 27 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. for its location on 1220 Telephone Road.

The new location is three times the size as its previous store.

Most of the items will be up to an additional 40 percent off retail value and can be a perfect start for those looking to complete one of those Pinterest DIY projects.

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