Accused murderer Jason Bouchard says killing his ex-wife was noble, selfless, and inspiring.
"What I had done became a platform and that's one of the things I hoped would happen before I did this," he said.
Bouchard allegedly killed his ex-wife Terri Sanvicente in front of their kids back in 2009. He claims he had to because he thought she was molesting their young daughter.
Michelle Wilson, the victim's cousin, said, "You don't savagely beat someone and then try to say it was for your children's benefit."
Now Bouchard is representing himself in his murder trial. He has no legal education, but throughout the five day trial, has said he doesn't trust the legal system enough to hire a lawyer.
He said, "When I did this, I knew days before I did this that I was going to do it. If I go to prison for the rest of my life, I want some things to change."
Bouchard never got to explain what he wanted to change about the prison system, because, like most of his testimony, it was ruled irrelevant.
Bouchard rested his case after taking the stand three times in his own defense. In a surprise move, he then asked for and was granted legal assistance coming up with jury instructions.
Both sides have now rested their cases. Closing arguments are scheduled to begin Friday morning.
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