Man shot to death at extended stay hotel along North Freeway, constable's office says

Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Deadly shooting investigation unfolds at hotel along North Freeway
A deadly shooting investigation prompted a heavy police presence in the 16100 block of the North Freeway in north Harris County.

HARRIS COUNTY, Texas (KTRK) -- Authorities are warning about a heavy law enforcement presence along the North Freeway after a deadly shooting was reported Tuesday afternoon.

The Harris County Precinct 4 Constable's Office tweeted information about a shooting scene deputies were actively investigating in the 16100 block of the North Freeway.

The tweet stated deputies were informed about a report of "a (Black) male victim who was shot." The constable's office later confirmed that he died of his injuries.

ABC13's Brooke Taylor was later told that the scene unfolded at a nearby hotel room, where the victim was found with a gunshot in the chest.

The constable's office said a suspect took off before deputies arrived. That person's description was not immediately available.

SkyEye flew over the heavy police presence at the Frontier Inn extended stay, which is at the corner of the North Freeway service road and Vista Drive.

For updates on this story, follow Brooke Taylor on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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