'Something's not right': Wife losing hope after husband mysteriously goes missing last Halloween

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Tuesday, August 16, 2022
'Something's not right': Wife losing hope after husband goes missing
John Davis' truck was found empty four months after he was considered missing by Mount Vernon police, who say the case is not their responsibility, but HPD's.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- A truck driver from the Trinity Gardens area has been missing since Halloween of 2021, and his wife says she is losing hope.

Police in north Texas found John Davis' truck four months later at a truck stop in Mount Vernon, but still no sign of him.

The case is open in Houston, but there is no clear answer as to who is actually looking into it. The Houston Police Department directs inquiries to the Mount Vernon Police Department where the truck was found, but Mount Vernon PD says it is not their case. It's left Davis' wife feeling like alone in the search for answers.

All Patricia Harris has left of her husband is a pink picture box with 29 years' worth of memories inside it.

Harris considered Davis to be her "best friend." The couple hit a rough patch within their marriage and attempted to reconcile on Oct. 30, one day before he went missing. Davis had visited Harris' mom in the Trinity Gardens neighborhood on Oct. 31. He left in his 18-wheeler and was not seen again.

"Two days later, it was like Nov. 2, and it registered to me. Something's not right." Harris said.

She told ABC13 that she started getting strange phone calls leading her to believe something suspicious had happened to her husband.

Police in Mount Vernon and Houston have not been clear on who is responsible for finding him. Harris said, "So it's like, right now it's nobody's case."

Harris is now asking the public to jog their memories. Did anyone see Davis, his truck, or anything that could help her understand what happened.

"I won't stop until I find out," she said through tears.

Anyone with helpful information is urged to contact the Houston police or the Davis family.

For updates on this story, follow Briana Conner on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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