It's was about 9:30pm Tuesday and Charles Raimond III was on his way home from his parent's house. As soon as he entered the 610 South Loop at Braeswood though everything happened so fast.
"The next thing I know, the car in front of me has a sudden movement. I look and there is a stopped car, so I slam on my brakes, swerve to the left to avoid the parked cars and the next thing I know there was a flash of red," said Raimond.
The flash of red was a 57-year-old man. Houston police confirm an accident took place at the 4300 block of the South Loop West. Two vehicles were in an initial accident. Another driver swerved to miss the cars, but stopped in an adjacent lane and got out on the highway. That's when he was hit by Raimond's vehicle.
"I realized it after I got my car in park and called 911 and went to the middle of the highway to render aid," Raimond said.
The victim was later pronounced dead. It was determined to be an accident and alcohol was not a factor. Police say it's a tragic reminder that whenever possible always pull over onto the shoulder.
Raimond says for now he can't bring himself to drive.
"I had planned to take my son, wanted to take him to the Battleship Texas, to go see it, but now my whole day is completely turned around," he said.
Raimond says he doesn't know when he be able to take that entrance ramp again that he uses on the way home from his parent's house.