Injured Texans fans talk about falling panel


Scott Woodard showed us the gash on this head that is still healing and remembers the moment a large piece of metal hit him in the head.

"Texans were coming down for a drive, and next thing you know, bam, something hit me. I thought it was a beer bottle or something hard. Checked my head and there was blood," he said.

Woodard wasn't the only person hit.

"I was sitting here, all of a sudden, something just whacked me and I was out of it and I didn't know what happened. I was trying to get my senses back," said Brian Black.

Black, who was sitting two seats away from Woodard, was hit by the flat side of the metal and he ended up with a knot on his head. It was Woodard who began bleeding from his gash, eventually needing seven staples in his scalp. But what was most frustrating was the long wait for an ambulance.

"I think it was somewhere around an hour plus while we were waiting, and I was a little shocked I couldn't get this done," said Woodard.

Despite our repeated attempts, Reliant officials have not spoken on camera, just releasing a statement on Monday.

Reliant says fan mischief may be to blame for the falling metal, but our legal analyst says even if it was mischief, the facility is still responsible.

"I don't care if it's mischief or not, nobody should run the risk if they go to a game of being hit with some paneling that's loose," said KTRK legal analyst Joel Androphy.

Both Black and Woodard have hired attorney Brent Coon, who said the two men had not gotten much rest since Sunday and were hoping to bring some closure with today's news conference.

Coon said they're "just fans supporting the team. I think they're fans still wanting to support the team."

As an engineer for NASA, Woodard is concerned over the design and construction issues associated with the equipment which fell on his head.

Woodard said they both want to make sure that an incident like this doesn't happen again to their fellow Texans fans.

"What if that thing hit a baby?" Black asked.

Coon added the panels cover the LED screens that encircle the entire stadium and that whatever caused this panel to fall off Sunday could potentially cause a similar incident in the future.

Both men said they still plan to attend Texans games at Reliant Stadium.

"I'm a Texans fan, ready to get back," Woodard said.

"I'll bring a hard hat next time," said Black.

Stay with Eyewitness News and for the latest on this story.

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