Thousands across the country express support for Houston woman whose speed trap sign landed her in jail


Eyewitness News was the first to bring you Natalie Plummer's story last week. Since then, she sure has been busy with interview after interview from folks across the U.S. And she says thousands of people are expressing their support.

Plummer says she never imagined what's happened to her over the last two weeks. She says she took a stand to warn drivers about a speed trap and is now receiving an outpouring of support from around the country.

Plummer's Facebook page continues to light up with more likes after her controversial arrest by two Houston police officers.

"I've had a few people offer to help me pay for legal fees," Plummer said.

On June 21, Plummer says she was holding a sign on the sidewalk, warning drivers of a speed trap ahead. The HPD officer running the speed trap became furious and arrested her, she says, for holding the sign.

"He stated multiple times that he was taking me to jail because of that sign and to teach me a lesson," said Plummer.

HPD contends she was jailed for 12 hours for standing in the street obstructing traffic.

"I don't recall jumping in the road. So if there is a video of me jumping in the road. I would be happy to see that because I don't think it exists," Plummer said.

Eyewitness News reported her arrest June 26 and the story went viral. More than 7,000 comments were generated once Yahoo's home page picked it up. It's also been featured on and The Drudge Report. She's done radio interviews, even one with a Canadian station.

Plummer says she understands why the her arrest resonated across the country.

"I guess you could say I was standing up for all of them, because we're all citizens, we're all drivers. And pretty much the majority, where there is a speed trap," she said.

Now hundreds are planning a protest in her support on Saturday at 2pm at West Dallas and Nash. And Plummer wants to make sure Texas drivers know that her sign was legal.

"To warn drivers of a peace officer enforcing traffic code ahead. It's Texas penal code 38.15 sub section C," Plummer said.

She is now working with an attorney to file a formal complaint against HPD next week.

As of right now, HPD says the officer did nothing wrong but will review the incident when a complaint is filed.

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