"I'm blown away. I didn't know that there would be this many, and it's an excellent collection," said Wade Harris, who made the drive down from College Station with his son to see the fossils.
The exhibit is larger than a football field, two stories high and you could fit five to six Goodyear blimps inside. But it's not only size which makes it special, according to the museum's president, Joel Bartsch.
"This is giant dinosaurs posed as if they are fighting each other, dramatically lit," Bartsch described.
And you don't have to be a kid to enjoy this exhibit. Just ask Houston Mayor Annise Parker.
"This is so cool. It will bring out the kid in everybody that comes in here," Parker said. "This is going to be another tourist destination in our pantheon of great places to go when you visit Houston."
Bartsch agrees, saying that people are fans as soon as they enter.
"Kids of all ages -- whether they're nine or 90 -- when they walk in here, they just go 'wow!'" he said. "And then we got 'em."
For more information and ticket sales, visit www.hmns.org.