ABC News GOP poll puts Perry in 4th place


Perry was actually here in Houston Tuesday afternoon. He had lunch at The Houstonian with a few hundred friends -- or at least donors. They dined with Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal during one of two Texas fundraisers Jindal and Perry held today.

Perry's presidential campaign needs the money. They are spending heavily in Iowa. says Perry's campaign bought hundreds more ads than any other candidate.

The latest ABC News Washington Post poll shows he's come up only slightly. Newt Gingrich is on top in the poll released this morning. Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are tied for second. Perry is next at 11 percent.

But one story in Iowa continues to be just how many voters are thinking about changing their minds. Less a month from the Iowa caucuses, 52 percent of voters are still considering another choice.

Meanwhile, the Pew Center for People and the Press asked Americans if this GOP nominating contest was helping or hurting impressions of the Republican field. Republicans said it was helping, Democrats hurting.

But independents -- who are key to winning a general election -- told Pew researchers this contest was making their impression of the GOP worse by a 3-to-1 margin.

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