Sarah Palin plans to keep 'tweeting'

JUNEAU, Alaska In a tweet posted Friday, Palin indicates that when she's out of office, she'll use a personal account on the social networking site to stay in touch.

Palin's tweet said, "elected is replaceable; Ak WILL progress! + side benefits frm my fingertps outside State site."

The governor says in another message that in the meantime, "it's a pleasure to update interested folks on State biz!"

Palin, who was visiting the coastal town of Unalakleet to sign bills on Friday, is believed to be eyeing a 2012 run for the presidency.

She routinely posts messages on Twitter, a social-networking site where posts are limited to 140 characters. Her postings on Friday included news about planning for the inauguration for Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell, who Palin wrote would have the same cabinet with the "same positive pro-AK agenda it's all good."

Parnell, whose style is much more low-profile than Palin, isn't expected to Tweet much, if at all, to communicate with the public.

Palin was thrust onto the national political stage last year when Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain selected her to be his presidential running mate. She announced this month that she would resign without finishing her first term as governor, but hasn't given details of her future plans.

Palin has said she intends to remain politically involved but wants to work outside the constraints of the governor's office. In her resignation speech July 3 at her home in Wasilla, Palin also said the many ethics complaints filed against her were hampering her ability to govern.

The 18th complaint was filed this week. It alleges Palin abused her office by accepting a salary and using state staff while campaigning outside Alaska for the vice presidency. Most of the complaints against her have been dismissed.

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