Website helps stay at home moms find work

HOUSTON Call it sort of a career builder for moms. It's a website that puts stay at home moms in contact with companies looking to hire them. It was developed by a Spring woman who knows first-hand the very challenges her customers face.

When it comes to raising kids and keeping a job, Lesley Pyle knows it's not always easy.

"If a mom has to commute and work a 40, 50, or 60-hour work week, there's almost no time left in the day to enjoy your family," said Pyle.

With an uncertain economy, she understands that many moms must work to stay on top.

"A lot of moms are looking ahead. Either their spouse has lost their job or there's a potential layoff in the future," said Pyle.

It's that reason Pyle created, a Houston-based website designed specifically for working moms.

"The number one value for moms these days is the flexibility," said Pyle.

The website targets businesses which offer flexible hours and allows employees to work from home. In turn, companies get skilled workers at a fraction of the cost of traditional employees.

Kim Thomas has been a loyal customer for six months.

"I'm able to attend sporting events and have more time with my preschoolers when they're not in school," said Thomas.

Membership to the website costs $10 a month or $99 a year, and there's no guarantee of employment.

Pyle believes it's the best resource for any mom who's trying to do it all.

"Most of these moms are good people. Trustworthy, reliable and why not hire them," said Pyle.

Pyle said the website also helps businesses, letting them hire employees on a part-time basis and avoiding benefits and lengthy contracts.

In case you're wondering, the website is also open for stay at home dads, however, Pyle said most of her clients are moms.

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