Here are 5 do's and 5 don'ts of mosquito bite prevention
Here are 5 do's and don'ts of avoiding mosquito bites
HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- Rain has pounded the Houston-area lately, leaving a deluge of standing water in its wake and giving rise to mosquitoes.
Here are five do's and five don'ts of mosquito-bite prevention, as recommended by experts who include those from the Centers for Disease Control.
Five Do's
- Use mosquito spray with at least 20 percent DEET on body parts with thin skin like wrists and ankles.
- Use fans or blow mosquitoes away to make it hard for them to fly.
- Wear tightly-woven clothing since "skeeters" can't penetrate that type of cloth.
- Wear light-colored clothing, because mosquitoes are drawn to contrasting cloth during lighter hours.
- Avoid peak mosquito hours, which include sunrise and sunset times.
Five Don'ts
- Buy wearable devices that have DEET since they don't cover the entire body.
- Waste money on citronella candles and coils since they're effective only between you and the "skeeters."
- Use ultrasonic devices. Simply, they're not as effective as experts claim.
- Use mouthwash on your skin. There are similar ingredients in insect repellent and mouthwash, but it's not effective enough in the latter.
- Rely on high-tech traps. They're effective only in a small area.
For more information on mosquito-bite prevention, visit this link.
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