Houston family goes the extra mile to prepare their son for mutton busting debut

Elissa Rivas Image
Friday, March 2, 2018
Houston family goes the extra mile to prepare their son for mutton busting debut
Houston family goes the extra mile to prepare their son for mutton busting debut

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- It's a red wagon with pillows smooshed down and wrapped in duct tape. A sheep skin is thrown on top and secured by bungee cords.

What is it supposed to be? A sheep. Yep!

Tim and Anne Rondou are preparing their son, 5-year-old Logan, for the ride of his young life. He'll be mutton bustin' on the big stage at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. He's been taking rides to the park on the family's new contraption.

"I usually don't run unless someone's chasing me or there's a ball in my hand, but this is a lot of fun," joked Logan's dad, Tim.

Fun for Logan, too, who, despite being a man of few words , is clearly ready, holding on tight every time.

The Rondous look as this as a way to reinforce how the rodeo is for everyone in the family.

"It's kind of a rite of passage for kids, being in Texas, and part of this rodeo community in Houston," said Tim.

They've been watching videos of other kids competing at NRG, and of course, each walk to the park is a chance for a little more practice.

"We're gonna give you some cotton candy right before mutton bustin' time, just to get your hands really sticky," said Tim.

Logan rides later this month. Good luck, Logan!

Find more information on Mutton Bustin' at the rodeo here.

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