Harris County residents can apply starting today for $1,500 in COVID-19 relief

Harris County relief money is expected to help 40,000 eligible households

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Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Harris County rent relief program offering another round of $1,500 payments
If you live in Harris County and haven't yet applied for COVID-19 relief funding, you have another chance! Hit play for more on what to know.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- If you live in Harris County and still need financial relief due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you have another opportunity to apply for a one-time $1,500 payment.

Harris County is partnering with Catholic Charities to provide another $30 million in funding to help people recover. That doubles the original amount to $60 million.

The money is now expected to help 40,000 eligible households.

This comes after the county offered the same type of assistance in August.

Starting today, you can apply for this round of relief. The application window will stay open until Sept. 12. Note that if you already applied, your application is still available for consideration. There is no need to apply again.

The money can be used to pay for emergency expenses, such as health care, rent or mortgage, utilities, food, internet, transportation, child care and other past due expenses.

All of the following information can also be found on harriscountyrelief.org.

Who's eligible?

  • Households within Harris County
  • You must be 18 or older to apply or be an emancipated minor
  • Demonstrate economic hardship incurred during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Must have at least one member in the household enrolled in a public assistance program, or total household income at or below 60% of the HUD Area Median Family Income.

Only one payment will be made per family unit. But if housing is shared by more than one family unit, each family unit may apply.

Federal guidelines require that at least one adult member of the household must be a U.S. citizen, legal permanent resident, refugee or other nonqualified noncitizen.

The chart below shows the threshold that qualifies for the 60% area median income.

To view full eligibility requirements and the proof of documentation you may need to show to verify your participation in this program, take a look at this page on the Harris County relief website.

Who distributes the money and how?

Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston administers the money. The non-profit is responsible for reviewing applications, verifying eligibility and processing payment.

Applicants will be selected at random using a statistical method that ensures fairness. They will not be chosen on a first-come, first-served, basis. There is also no guarantee you will receive help after you apply.

Catholic Charities will process payment for those who are approved by Dec. 30.

If approved, you can receive the money by bank transfer or certified mail.

If you are not selected, check this resource page for other ways to get help.

How do I apply?

Go ahead and gather your documents so that you're prepared. Remember, the application window is open from Sept. 8 - Sept. 12.

You'll be asked to give the following information:

  • Name
  • Contact information
  • Address
  • Number of people in your household
  • Public benefits programs that apply to you OR an estimate of monthly household income and sources and proof of household income

You'll also be asked to upload documents, but when you apply, only a valid form of ID is mandatory. You can upload the rest of the documents later.

To learn more about the valid forms of documentation, how to show proof of residence within Harris County and how to show proof of income eligibility, go to the application assistance page on the Harris County relief website.

If you're selected, Catholic Charities will notify you. You may be contacted by an eligibility specialist from Catholic Charities for additional information or documentation.

Once you've applied, you can also visit the 'Check My Status' page to see its progress.

Who do I contact if I need help?

You can the hotline at 832-345-6289 to get your questions answered and get help find assistance in submitting an application.

Call center hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Saturday, September 11: OPEN 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Sunday, September 12: OPEN 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

You can also report an issue or concern by filling out this form.

If you're unsure if you live in Harris County, check the Commissioner Precincts Map or enter your address.

The county also has a Frequently Asked Questions page if you need more help.

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