Latin Women's Initiative Luncheon & Fashion Show

Monday, May 16, 2016

14th Annual LWI Fashion Show and Luncheon was recently held Friday, May 13th at the Hilton Americas Hotel in downtown Houston. Tootsies hosted the fashion show featuring designer Alexis. LWI is a non-profit organization with a mission of making a difference in the lives of Latin women and their families by financially supporting organizations that provide community resources. 2016 recipients are El Centro de Corazon, Kids' Meals, Life Houston, Memorial Assistance Ministries, The Rose, Southwest Schools, University of Houston's Center for Mexican American Studies.

Attending from ABC-13 were: anchor Ilona Carson, reporter Miya Shay, VP Community Affairs Cynthia Cisneros, as well as Charisma Glassman, Sandy Coldwell and Monica Rose.

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