Two boys injured in auto-pedestrian wreck near downtown


Three boys were crossing the street near the intersections of Allen Parkway and Crosby shortly before 6pm Tuesday when two of them were hit. Authorities say the accident emphasizes a problem in the area.

Even after rush hour, the traffic is daunting on Allen Parkway. Cars are still whipping by. The speed limit is 40, but many are going faster.

During rush hour, traffic is heavier. Crossing illegally is riskier but more convenient.

"It's either cross the wrong way or I have to go a half a mile or more out of the way," bicyclist Keith Bolden said.

It is a choice we saw many people make Tuesday afternoon and well before the accident that injured two children cleared. Houston police say they ran out in front of a minivan, were struck and thrown through the air. The driver just couldn't stop in time.

The two children were rushed to the hospital. Police say one has a serious head injury. The accident could have been prevented.

"It's really amazing that we have a pedestrian bridge 50 feet from where this all took place. They could have crossed with no problem," HPD Sr. Officer J.E. Tippy said.

Yet we saw no one using it. Instead, they dodged traffic. Behind the officer talking about illegal crossing, one couple did just that.

"It's a very dangerous thing to do," Tippy said.

And while Bolden was heartbroken to learn about the accident, it will not change his mind.

"For 10 years I've been doing it with no problem. Would I advice everybody to do that? Of course not," he said.

HPD says the driver won't be charged in this case because the boys were at fault since they didn't use a crosswalk or the bridge.

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