HISD expanding dual language program in elementary schools


"We extended an invitation to all elementary schools to participate in the expansion last summer, and this is the first group to complete the long preparation process," said Assistant Superintendent of Multilingual Programs Gracie Guerrero. "It has been energizing to see how enthusiastic the interested principals are about what this can bring to their students."

Eighteen HISD campuses currently offer the dual-language program: Mandarin Chinese Language Immersion Magnet School; Briscoe, Daily, DeAnda, Emerson, Helms, Herod, Herrera, Kashmere Gardens, Law, Northline, Sherman, and Twain elementary schools; Billy Reagan and Wharton K-8s; Burbank and Johnston middle schools, and Reagan High School.

The 14 additional schools that will offer it in 2014–2015 are: Anderson, Ashford, Burnet, Coop, Dogan, Garden Villas, Gregg, R. P. Harris, McNamara, Memorial, Osborne, Shearn, Whidby, and White.

HISD is hosting a series of meetings this month to share information about the dual-language program and answer any questions that parents, students, or other community members might have. Attendees will hear from teachers and school administrators; nationally recognized dual-language experts; and the parents of students currently benefitting from HISD's current dual-language offerings.

For more information on the dual-language program, visit the multilingual department's website. Principals who want their schools to be considered for the 2015–2016 school year should contact Dr. Altagracia Guerrero at 713-556-6961.

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