Juror's comments to impact Crystal Mangum murder trial?


Before testimony continued for a second day, an alternate juror told the judge that another juror urged the group to consider the City of Durham's image during trial.

Following a meeting with attorneys, the judge returned to the courtroom and said he did not think rules were broken, but decided to speak to each juror individually to make sure they understood his instructions to not discuss the case. One by one, the jurors said they understood the rules and could go forward.

Mangum is currently charged with stabbing her boyfriend, Reginald Daye, with a kitchen knife during an argument in April 2011. Daye died 10 days later. Mangum claims self defense, saying Daye attacked her.

The jury was shown photos of Daye in the hospital, including pictures of his wounds, scratches, and a black eye.

On Friday, the state called Mangum's ex-boyfriend to the stand. Milton was the alleged victim in Mangum's 2010 arson trial where she was originally charged with assault. She was accused of setting his clothes on fire and damaging his car. That case ended in a mistrial after a hung jury.

Mangum made national headlines in 2006 when she accused a group of Duke University lacrosse players of sexually assaulting her while she worked as a stripper at a party. The accusations were later found to be false, and Attorney General Roy Cooper dismissed all charges filed against the students.

On Thursday, the jury of seven men, five women and two alternates got a closer look at the relationship between Mangum and the man she's charged with murdering, when Daye's relatives took the stand.

Wiping away tears, Daye's nephew, Carlos Wilson, said Daye was the kind of man that women took advantage of.

He wasn't the only one to get emotional in court. Mangum openly wept while the jury listened to the 911 calls that came in after she stabbed her former boyfriend.

Daye's nephew called for help after Daye showed up at his door, wounded and bleeding.

Mangum's young son also called 911 and then Mangum herself called for help. She told the operator a man beat her up.

Mangum says Daye died from a medical mistake at the hospital and not from his stab wound. However, Daye's relatives have suggested otherwise.

Officers at the scene also testified Thursday -- stating that Mangum seemed impaired when they took her into custody.

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