Former hand surgeon incapacitated following cardiac arrest


Since his cardiac arrest, Brown, we're told, has been a no-information patient at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Miami, and according to a pair of sources, he remains on life support.

The timing coincides with the day he was to have reported to a Florida jail for a 30 day sentence after having been found guilty of choking a flight attendant, but he was awarded an extension, pushing the sentence back until late November.

The situation was rumored for days but became public Monday with a notice filed by two of Brown's attorneys with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court. It reads:

"Please take notice that on the evening of October 24, 2013, Michael Glyn Brown ("Dr. Brown") went into cardiac arrest. Dr. Brown remains hospitalized and is incapacitated. The extent of the damage he has suffered is unknown; however, it appears to be severe and, at this time, counsel has no ability to communicate with Dr. Brown."

Brown was to have started serving a jail sentence last Thursday for choking a flight attendant but that was postponed by a Florida court. What we've been told by sources is Brown attended a party that night. He was taken to Mount Sinai Hospital by a man claiming to be his son, but Brown has no male children.

He has remained in intensive care since.

Brown lost his medical license seven years ago after testing positive for cocaine. Then his family problems became public. He's been accused, but not convicted, of domestic violence by his estranged wife. The Brown Hand Centers started losing money and are now in Chapter 11. His divorce from estranged wife Rachel Brown is taking a backseat to his bankruptcy issues, and a trustee was reported as placing Brown's debt at more than $37 million. Even during his divorce case, there were questions as to whether he had assets he hadn't disclosed should he not survive his heart attack.

"So if he's hiding assets in a third country only he knows about and the third country is under orders of secrecy, then nobody's gonna see that money and Browns' going to take it to his grave," KTRK legal expert Joel Androphy said.

We are told by attorneys that Brown's family, including his estranged wife, have no comment on the situation at this time.

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