Dollar stores seeing record profits

HOUSTON [SUPERSAVER BLOG: Learn daily ways to save cash ]

Many believe it's because higher-income shoppers who weren't dollar store fans before are checking them out now.

ABC13 Super Saver and single mom, Erin Libranda has spent years shopping for bargains.

But, now that saving is "chic," she's noticing a new trend: first-time dollar-store shoppers who are surprised by what they find.

Erin went to three different Houston dollar stores to find what she considered "surprise" deals.

Her first stop was the 99 Cents Only store, where everything is under a dollar, including a 100% silk tie, with the tag still on it from the original store, as well as little boy's swim trunks.

"All of the cards are 69 cents, all of the bags are 79 cents," Libranda said. "There are high-quality bags, normally $4 to $5 in the stores."

Her next stop is Dollar General. But, not everything there is a dollar. And Erin found some of the prices to be high; however, she did find some good deals, like a pool cover-up for $4.50, among other items.

Her final stop was Family Dollar, where she found deals on home décor, like a king size comforter set for $40, paintings for $10, and a lamp for $12.

In all, three different dollar stores, each hoping their deals will keep the first-timers coming.

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