Students weigh in on gun law

HOUSTON If approved, the law could go into effect as early as September. Some students believe it's a bad law, while others believe it's their right to protect themselves.

When a homeless man was shot to death at a bus stop at the University of Houston, student David Nelson took notice.

"That really rattled me," said Nelson.

That's why he supports a law that would allow him to carry a gun on campus.

"We have a right to defend ourselves no matter where we are," said Nelson.

If passed, the law would allow students of public colleges and universities to carry concealed guns in their classrooms and in their dorms.

Supporters of the law believe it would prevent deadly campus shootings like the one at Virginia Tech, but others believe the law would only open up campuses to more shootings, more often.

"It's just like you have with movie theaters, amusement parks, places of business. There's just too many people in a small area. Something could go very wrong," said student Zach Smith.

Another UH student, Joseph Mathew, said "If students carry guns around me, I wouldn't know what mood they'll be. Might be angry, might be frustrated."

The law would require students to carry a concealed handgun license. Currently, the age to get one in Texas is 21. Private colleges and universities could also still prohibit guns on their campus.

For Nelson, who already has a license to carry, he'd feel better with a little more protection at school.

"Within the last few years, we have become at risk as students at universities, and me not being able to protect myself, it bothers me," said Nelson.

What do you think about guns on campus? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

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