Alcohol and wine: True
Smoking: True
Sugar: True
Whole Milk: True
Cheese: True
Fried foods: True
Red meat: False
White rice: True
Brown rice: False
Bread: True
Potatoes: False
Coffee: False
Caffeine: False
Diet sodas: False
Regular sodas: True
Carbonated (non-caloric) drinks: False
Salt: False
Spicy foods: False
Constipation: False
Tension and stress: True
Crash diets: True
Drinking lots of water: False
Fruits: False
Vegetables: True
Beans: False
Onions: False
Drinking hot water with lemon: False
Massaging or scrubbing the area: False
Scrubbing with coffee grinds: False
Gels, lotions, creams: False
Lifting heavy weights: False
Lifting light weights with more repetition: True
Cardio: True
Source: Keith Klein, Nutritionist, Institute of Eating Management
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