Mexico City lets all businesses reopen Thursday

MEXICO CITY, Mexico [SWINE FLU: Symptoms, questions and answers and more]
[SCHOOL CLOSINGS: Map of closings related to swine flu]
[INTERACTIVE: Interactive guides to spread of swine flu]
[CHAT TRANSCRIPT: Questions answered by local expert]
[TRAVEL ALERT: What the CDC wants you to know ]

City Health Secretary Armando Ahued says sports arenas, dance halls, movie theaters and all restaurants will be allowed to operate but must follow government-ordered hygiene rules.

Businesses must screen for any sick people, and surgical masks will be mandatory for employees and customers alike.

Ahued made the announcement late Wednesday. He said the government would explain the regulations in more detail the following day.

Mexico has confirmed 1,070 swine flu cases and 42 deaths from the virus, mostly in the capital.

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