ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) is setting up centers around town to help people apply for aid from FEMA. Many of the people who need help may not traditionally ask for it from the federal government because of their immigration status.
But ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) has teamed up with FEMA and AT&T to help people get the help they need.
Despite the help, at the center on Gulfton in southwest Houston we visited Saturday, we only saw two people using the laptops.
"Some of them are actually I guess discouraged because some of them aren't legal and they don't feel they have the privilege of getting help," said Eliana Sepulbeda with ACORN. "The information is provided to everyone. If your children have a Social (Security Number), you can come in and register online."
"I tell you what, there were some things on there that I didn't understand and they told me they'd help me fill it out and that means a lot to me," said FEMA recipient Charles Goings.
ACORN volunteers assisting with FEMA enrollment will be at the following locations from 9 AM -- 7:30 PM
For home bound seniors or others who are unable to make it to one of the locations, but would like assistance with FEMA enrollment, they should call the ACORN office (713) 868 7015.