911 calls rerouted due to cut phone lines

FRIENDSWOOD, TX Phone communication to and from the Friendswood Public Safety building was cut this morning when a construction crew working close to the public safety building on FM 528 cut all phone lines into the facility. This outage is affecting emergency and non-emergency phone lines and the radio system.

At about 10am, a construction crew working between the public safety building and FM 528 cut the underground cables and wires. AT & T and Harris County 911 have been notified and are utilizing all emergency resources to restore service.

All 911 calls and dispatch operations automatically switched to the Webster Police Department when the lines were cut. A public safety dispatcher has relocated to the Webster Police Department to assist in the increased call volume and a public safety employee will be available to answer requests for service called in to City Hall.

Officials from the Fire Marshal's Office and Community Development are on scene evaluating the damage and determining if the construction crew committed any violations and have all relevant permits for the operation.

The estimated time to repair this major telephone line break is expected to be about three hours. During this outage public safety services will be limited. Cellular phones are being utilized to make outgoing calls.

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