Artist with Down syndrome crafts colorful pillows to share with the world

ByMatteo Iadonisi Localish logo
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Artist with Down syndrome shares colorful pillows with the world
Artist with Down syndrome shares colorful pillows with the worldLucia Castrogiovanni, an artist who has Down syndrome, creates colorful pillows to share with the world!

WYNNEWOOD, Pennsylvania -- "I was diagnosed with Down syndrome. There's a few things I can or cannot do," said Lucia Castrogiovanni. "But I can make artwork."

The 46-year-old from Yeadon, Pennsylvania, discovered the Center for Creative Works (CCW) in the late 2010s.

The facility in Wynnewood is home to a collection of artists who come from neurodiverse backgrounds.

A couple times per year, CCW plays host to an open house where guests can purchase artwork, pillows, and more from individuals like Castrogiovanni.

Additionally, Castrogiovanni. sells her pillows online while supplies last.

She hopes her story will inspire others to follow their artistic passions.

"Whoever else does have a disability, you can put your heart through your artwork," said Castrogiovanni.

To learn more about the Center for Creative Works or Lucia's Pillows, visit their websites.

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