'Vice' director talks about how the Oscar-nominated film was made

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Film director and Oscar nominee Adam McKay has made us laugh with films, such as "Anchorman," "Step Brothers" and "Talladega Nights."

But his newest film, "Vice," puts aside the comedy to tell the backstory of former Vice President Dick Cheney.

"I really felt like we all know that he was a powerful vice president," McKay said in a recent appearance on "Popcorn with Peter Travers. "But the more I read about it, I was just astounded by how much this guy changed history. ... And then I was amazed [at] how he did it."

McKay brought on actor Christian Bale, who gained more than 40 pounds to play the role of Cheney, McKay said.

"He definitely put on some weight. He definitely transformed," McKay told Travers." "It was one of the most breathtaking performances I've ever seen in my life."

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