Quorum reached in Texas House, but 34 Democrats 'feel betrayed'

ByRebekah Allen, The Texas Tribune
Friday, August 20, 2021
Texas House back in session after 3 Democrats return to chamber
For the first time since mid-July, the Texas House finally has a quorum after three Democrats returned to the chamber, but what's next?

AUSTIN, Texas -- House Democrats, who were united for weeks in their efforts to stay out of the state Capitol to block a GOP voting bill, are fracturing over the recent decision of some members to rejoin the legislative session.

More than 34 Democrats signed on to a statement Friday condemning their colleagues for joining with Republicans on the House floor. Their return allowed the House to reach a quorum, meaning enough members were present so lawmakers could work for the first time in nearly six weeks.

READ MORE: Texas House back in session after 3 Democrats return to chamber

"We are disappointed that a few Democrats chose to return to the floor. We feel betrayed and heartbroken but our resolve is strong and this fight is not over," they wrote in the statement. "With their questionable quorum, Republicans are now fully enabled and empowered to enact virtually all of [Gov. Greg] Abbott's directives, including many dangerous pieces of legislation that will fundamentally hurt the lives of Texans."

The House reached a quorum Thursday with the help of three Democrats who broke ranks with their colleagues - Houston Democrats Garnet Coleman, Armando Walle and Ana Hernandez. The three members arrived together, with Walle pushing a wheelchair for Coleman, who recently underwent surgery on his leg.

Those three Democrats join a smattering of other Democrats who have already trickled back to the chamber after initially participating in the quorum bust - like Rep. James Talarico of Round Rock; Joe Moody, Art Fierro and Mary Gonzáles of El Paso; and Eddie Lucio III of Brownsville.

READ ALSO: Threats of state troopers arresting House Democrats have yet to materialize

The GOP elections bill would, among other things, outlaw local voting options intended to expand voting access and bolster access for partisan poll watchers. Democrats and voting rights advocates say it restricts voting rights in the state. Republicans, who control both chambers of the Legislature, say the proposal is intended to secure "election integrity."

The Texas Tribune is a nonprofit, nonpartisan media organization that informs Texans - and engages with them - about public policy, politics, government and statewide issues.