Customers at "Over the Rainbow" toy store are more like family.
"Love. Bottom line. Friendliness, ready to greet you and be happy to see you and make you happy... He can do the stunt squadron. I mean when you go into a toy store it's a good thing to walk out happy," Sharon Linsalata said.
It's how Linsalata met the Shaughnessy family.
"They were a wonderful family, absolutely wonderful. Ted and his wife used to come in when their son was real little. He would get into the racing with his son. Ted was pretty proud of Nick, he was pretty proud,"Linsalata said.
The picture of innocence was rattled by the unimaginable years later.
"When you know someone and the family has been so positive and loving and for something like that to happen, it's hard to comprehend. It really is,"Linsalata said.
Investigators say a son approached three different people about killing his parents, KXAN-TV reports.
"I don't want to believe that he would come to that place within his life. It's extremely sad to think that. You know what is hurting my heart right now is that his mother not only lost her husband and pets, but now she's lost her son too. And I just can't imagine the pain that must be. You know? I can't imagine it. My heart goes out to her and everyone involved in their family," Linsalata expressed.
This family's loss is felt very heavily by Linsalata. "I almost go by his store every day coming to and from work. So, I always look over and I always think of him. And I believe that his spirit is alive."