ERCOT leadership names removed because of threats

Wednesday, February 17, 2021
ERCOT leaders admit possible failure in providing timely info
Leaders of ERCOT, the nonprofit council that oversees Texas' power supply, addressed balancing supply and demand in the midst of crisis. In the video, they talked about a realistic time of getting everyone back to full power.

If you go to ERCOT's website, you'll notice some information is now missing. The names of the Board of Directors have been removed and all of the positions read "Vacant."

ABC13 wanted to know what was going on, so we reached out to ERCOT. A spokesperson tells us the board and senior leaders were getting threats because of the anger over the widespread power outages. ERCOT removed the names to avoid that. No one on the board of directors has resigned.

During an ABC13 one-on-one interview with Gov. Greg Abbott Tuesday evening, he blamed ERCOT for power grid failing during this record winter freeze and even called for the ERCOT board members to resign.

SEE ALSO: Gov. Greg Abbott calls on ERCOT leadership to resign during ABC13 one-on-one interview

"Do you think ERCOT leaders should resign?" asked ABC13 anchor Gina Gaston during the live interview.

"Yes," responded Abbott.

"There seemed to be a lack of preparation, and making sure we did have access to back-up power in the event that the power generators were incapable of generating power, but all that aside .... they should be providing greater transparency," continued Abbott. "They are a public entity. They deserve to tell you, as well as government leaders, exactly what is going and what is not going on and they are not stepping up and providing that level of transparency."

RELATED: ERCOT defends early decision to cut power

During a call Wednesday with ERCOT CEO and president Bill Magness, and senior director of system operations Dan Woodfin, they were asked about Governor Abbott's call for the resignations. They responded by saying their priority right now is getting the power back on and this has been a tremendously difficult situation for Texans.

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