'My baby girl got hit': Mom describes violent brawl that injured child inside north Houston McDonald's

Sunday, October 8, 2017
Mom describes brawl that injured child inside McDonald's
Mom describes brawl that injured child inside McDonald's.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- A video that recorded a brawl between two women at a north Houston McDonald's has been viewed two million times and counting.

Carla DeLeon said she and her 3-year-old daughter were on the receiving end of the physical assault. She's filed a police report and wants her alleged assailant found and charged with two counts of assault.

DeLeon is a mother of four and is expecting her fifth child.

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A child was caught in the middle of a violent brawl at a north Houston McDonald's.

"How sad is it that you're going to hit somebody with a baby in their arms and I already stated I was pregnant on top of that?" she asked.

She said she was standing in line with her daughter in her arms.

"She was scared, and I turned around to look and the woman said, 'What are you looking at (expletive)?' I said I just wonder what my daughter's looking at. That's it," DeLeon said.

It went downhill from there. Words were exchanged and then came the blows, she said.

RAW VIDEO: Child caught in brawl at McDonald's

A child was caught in the middle of a brawl at a north Houston McDonald's.

"She's punching and punching and my baby girl got hit," DeLeon said. "This is what really aggravated me because I wasn't able to defend her or myself."

She put her daughter down and then a drink was thrown in her face. Video shows the two women struggling and a male employee attempting to break up the fight. He was the only person to come to her aid, DeLeon said. Bystanders instead recorded video.

An ambulance was called for her daughter, who had a swollen cheek and a small scratch on her face.

She hopes store security video will reveal a license plate on the alleged assailant's vehicle, allowing police to identify her.

DeLeon said she has seen brawls on video before, but never expected she would be part of one.

"I learned to just zip my lip in the future," she added. "And to be aware of your surroundings. And to just take the drive-thru, I guess."

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