Houston employers added 18,700 jobs last month

Nick Natario Image
Friday, May 21, 2021
Despite reopenings, new businesses having hard time hiring
Businesses everywhere are welcoming an economic rebound posed by improving COVID case numbers and the vaccine. But, many new businesses, including a restaurant we spoke with, are having a hard time getting things open, due to this.

Houston's unemployment numbers continue to remain on the uptick as businesses filled positions at a promising pace last month, according to employment experts.

The latest jobs report showed 18,700 jobs were added in April in the Houston area, an increase of 0.6%.

RELATED: April jobs report shows promise, but boosted unemployment benefits could be impacting recovery

The gains were primarily in the leisure & hospitality sector as restaurants and bars opened to full capacity.

The professional and business services sector also saw an increase in jobs, posting the largest-ever gain in April with 6,900 new hires. It is the second straight month of record gains in the sector this year.

So far, around half of the 361,400 jobs lost in March and April 2020 have returned, according to statistics from the Texas Workforce Commission.

"While still higher than both the statewide and U.S. unemployment rates, [the Houston rate] has fallen by nearly half since it peaked in April 2020 at 14%," said representatives with Workforce Solutions.

The video above is from previous reporting.

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