From 5 moms to 65, group's acts of kindness never died since Harvey

Pooja Lodhia Image
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Moms still creating kindness since forming after Harvey
ABC13's Pooja Lodhia and HTX+ meets with the members of MomKind who have never stopped spreading generosity and kindness since forming after Harvey.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- A group of mothers in Clear Lake is showing that kindness has no bounds.

"Our ultimate goal is to cultivate a culture of kindness within our community," explained Lindsay Morris, the program coordinator of MomKind.

MomKind was created at a time many of us needed kindness more than ever. Hurricane Harvey was devastating the Bay Area.

"We wanted to be able to help. However, we were moms at home with small children, so it wasn't really feasible for us to get out and tear sheetrock out and rip up flooring," said Morris. "However, we knew we could feed them."

A few meals turned into 3,000 meals, and the group grew from four or five moms to more than 65.

Now, they participate in a different community event every month. Sometimes, it's sending "Thank You" packages to firefighters.

Other times, it's awarding $5,000 scholarships to local high school students.

And around this time, it's filling boxes with toys and activities for children.

For every $37 purchase of MomKind's activity boxes, the group donates one to young patients at Texas Children's Hospital.

"We wanted it to be ongoing, not just when tragedy happens in our community," Morris said. "We will absolutely be there for those things, but we wanted to do this all the time and, most importantly, involve our little kiddos."

You can join or donate to the group at the MomKind Facebook page.

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