HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Longtime Houston community leader and activist, Lolita Guerrero was awarded the Houston Woman Magazine's 11th annual HER Award.
This year's event was held at the Houston Junior League and recognizes Houston women who influence and inspire those around them and serve as role models.
Guerrero has advanced the Hispanic community through her volunteerism with LULAC where she was the first woman to serve as the Texas state director.
Her other volunteer roles include vice chair of the Harris County Appraisal Review Board, Houston Read Commission, National Census Bureau, Houston Business Council, Houston Grand Opera, Theater Under the Stars and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
Proceeds from the event fund college scholarships for local female students.
Other recipients this year include Thelma Scott, Dani Grant, Jennifer Hohman, Liza Bailey, Margaret Kidd and Morag Watson.