Top-rated robot vacuums under $300

Monday, June 18, 2018
Robot vacuums
Consumer expert Chelsey Hernandez breaks down the top-rated robot vacuums.

Robotic vacuums are dropping in price, which means it could become more affordable to buy one of the tiny cleaners for your own home.

Consumer Reports found three robo-vacs that do a great job and cost less than $300.

The Eufy RoboVac 11 impressed testers. It received a score of 'Excellent' on the carpet test and didn't leave behind a lot of debris.

However, it did become entangled in rug fringe. You can find this model for about $250 on Amazon.

For about $270 at Walmart, you can get the iRobot Roomba 618.

This vacuum didn't do well cleaning near its charging station, which might require you to do extra cleaning.

But this iRobot model did do well on bare floors, picked up debris in edge and corner tests and didn't have a problem with rug tassels.

The Shark Ion 720 also does a great job on bare floors.

It's also excellent when it comes to navigating, skirting around furniture and electrical cords.

Beware if you have pets that shed, though.

The vacuum dragged fur around on the carpet and took a couple tries before picking it up. This model is about $290 on Amazon.

Keep in mind, robo-vacs can help with daily pickups, but they aren't designed to deep clean like regular vacuums.

You can read about the Consumer Reports tests and see more top-rated vacuums here.