Houston woman fights for change

HOUSTON [SIGN UP: Get headlines and breaking news sent to you]

In the wake of these crimes, concerned senior citizens we spoke with say there is a serious disconnect between them, the police and city leaders. One woman, whose home was recently burglarized, is on a crusade to change that.

Her gate with a 'no trespassing sign' may not look like much of a security system, but it's slowly helping 70-year-old Louversa Davis get her peace of mind back after her home in the Kashmere Garden subdivision near Kashmere at Rand was ransacked.

"All of this was all opened," she said, showing us drawers in her home. "All down here."

It happened in broad daylight. Someone broke in through the back door, stole a gun, a TV and some jewelry. Davis says it's the first time it's happened in the 50 years she's been living here.

"I'm still frightened," she said. "I'm still frightened."

Davis, who was too scared to go back inside, sat in her car by herself after calling 911.

"I sat in this car for about five hours until she came" said Davis.

The initial 911 call, according to Davis, was made shortly after 5pm last Wednesday. Houston Police say the HEC center operator coded the call as a priority 4, which means the suspect was not on scene.

It was held more than six hours until the priorities 1s, 2s and 3s were cleared. Officers were dispatched to Davis' home at 12:16am and arrived six minutes later.

"There's not enough concern for the senior citizens," said Sophia Davis-Fields. "The seniors are the ones that took care of us and we need to take care of them."

On Tuesday, Davis is taking her concern to city hall and has only one request - a greater police presence.

"They can pass once a week, once a month," said Davis. "They don't have to speak to anybody, just pass on the street."

Davis says she's doing this not just for herself, but for all the senior citizens in Kashmere Gardens. As for the delayed 911 response, HPD says the matter is being looked into. Our phone calls into Councilman Jarvis Johnson's office were not returned.

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