List of Houston-area school districts requiring masks after Texas' mandate lifts

Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Keeping mask mandate in schools up to each district, TEA says
After Gov. Abbott's decision, a number of southeast Texas school districts said they were standing by for TEA's guidance.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- Parents, with Texas' mask mandate lifting March, 10, you're probably curious about what your child's school district is going to do.

Last week after Gov. Greg Abbott announced his decision to lift all COVID-19 restrictions, including the mask mandate, schools responded that they would keep their current policies in place and await further guidance from the Texas Education Agency (TEA).

SEE ALSO: All Texas COVID-19 mandates lifted effective next Wednesday, Gov. Abbott says

The following day, the TEA said it would be up to each school district whether to maintain mandated COVID-19 protocols. Under TEA's updated guidance, "a public school system's current practices on masks may continue unchanged. Local school boards have full authority to determine their local mask policy."

SEE ALSO: Keeping COVID-19 limits is up to each Texas school district as mandates due to be lifted

In the list below, you can find what your child's district has decided on its mask policy:

Alief ISD

TEA has updated its guidance to include "a public school system's current practices on masks may continue unchanged." As a result, Alief ISD will continue to require masks and facial coverings in all schools and district facilities.

Additionally, the US Department of Health and Human Services issued a directive expanding COVID-19 vaccination eligibility to educators and child care workers.

Alvin ISD

"Alvin ISD is committed to health and safety and has taken extensive steps to keep our staff and students healthy over the past year.
This week, the State of Texas announced they are lifting statewide mandates relating to COVID-19. As a result, the Texas Education Agency updated its public health guidance. Under this updated guidance, a public-school system's current practices regarding masks may continue unchanged. Local school boards have full authority to determine their local mask policy.
After coordinating with local health officials, in accordance with TEA requirements and CDC guidelines, Alvin ISD will maintain the mask protocols that are currently in place. We will continue to require masks be worn at our facilities through the end of the 2020-21 school year. Thank you for your continued support of Alvin ISD."

Brazosport ISD

In a video and post on its website, Brazosport ISD decided that students and staff will continue to wear masks "when it is unavoidable being in close contact with another person. BISD will continue to implement our current mitigation and prevention strategies of keeping our students and staff safe and our schools open."

"After experiencing the loss of class time, extracurricular activities and school events last spring, our mantra this school year has been that in BISD we are willing to do whatever it takes to keep our schools open and our students connected," the district wrote on its site.

Visit the Brazosport ISD's website for a full release from the district.

SEE ALSO: Places in Houston where you do and don't have to wear masks after mask mandate lift

Clear Creek ISD

"The Clear Creek Independent School District will still require face coverings to be worn inside all CCISD schools and support facilities as outlined by the Texas Education Agency. We recognize there is some confusion regarding the recent executive order, effective March 10th, which lifts the statewide mandate. This does not apply to school settings as clarified by the Texas Education Agency unless the local school board takes action to modify/remove the requirement.

The school district will reconvene the Safely Reopen CCISD committee to address this important topic. The advisory committee will make a recommendation to the school board on April 12, 2021.

In the meantime, all persons are required to wear a face covering in a Clear Creek ISD facility. I appreciate your continued support of our COVID-19 mitigation measures which help keep students and staff healthy."

Conroe ISD

On its Facebook page, Conroe ISD wrote it is "committed to providing the safest learning environment for its students and staff and keeping schools open," and that students and staff will continue to wear face coverings for the rest of the school year.

Galena Park ISD

In a video to its students, Galena Park ISD superintendent Dr. John Moore said the district will continue to require all students, staff and visitors to wear masks on district property and at district events.

Houston ISD

Houston ISD announced it will continue requiring students, staff and visitors to wear masks on district property and district events. HISD said it will continue to follow the guidelines of its Communicable Disease Plan for the safety of students and staff.

Humble ISD

Masks or face shields will still be required for students, teachers, staff and visitors when on school district property or at a district event when it's not possible to maintain six feet of social distancing from people not in their household.

However, the mask requirement does not apply to the following:

  • Any person younger than 10 years old
  • Any person with a medical condition or disability that prevents wearing a mask
  • Any person while the person is consuming food or drink, or is seated in a dining area to eat or drink
  • Any person while the person is actively exercising or engaging in physical activity
  • Any spectator at an outdoor event
  • Any person while the person is giving a speech for a broadcast or to an audience
  • Any student while actively participating in an activity where it is impractical to wear a mask or face shield

The policy was approved at the regular March meeting of the Board of Trustees on March 9 and is effective immediately.

Katy ISD

In a release, Katy ISD said it decided to keep everything as is until the end of the school year.

"Katy Independent School District will continue in compliance with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) public school COVID-19 safety guidance which includes the wearing of facial coverings while on school property, social distancing when possible, frequent hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer."

Klein ISD

"In accordance with the updated Texas Education Agency Public Health Guidance, and in consultation with our healthcare partners at Houston Methodist, Klein ISD will continue to wear masks in all our schools and district facilities for all students and adults for the remainder of the 2020-2021 school year. As has been our protocol all year, masks will continue to be optional outside during the school day for students and staff when social distancing is possible or when engaged in physical activity.

Our COVID-19 safety protocols have made it possible for Klein ISD to keep all campuses open, our extracurricular programs competing and representing our schools, and minimized the number of students and staff being required to quarantine at home whenever there is a positive COVID-19 case. With the end of the school year in sight, we will continue to focus on educating our students, maintaining a safe teaching and learning environment, and securing opportunities for our employees to get vaccinated now that all educators are eligible for the vaccine. While we know that this announcement may not be supported by all, we do hope that our Klein ISD family will continue to show grace and kindness, so we can finish our school year strong."

La Porte ISD

"La Porte ISD will continue upholding our current COVID-19 safety protocols through the 2020-21 school year, including the requirement that masks are to be worn by students, staff and others at district facilities.

Though Gov. Greg Abbott's statewide mask mandate expires on March 10, the Texas Education Agency provided guidance for school districts to continue mask policies.

In our successful efforts during the past year to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the district has worked closely with local and state health agencies and has followed the guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the TEA. The CDC continues to recommend masks."

Magnolia ISD

Magnolia ISD's school board has decided that masks will not be required for in-person learning. The decision goes into effect on April 1.

According to the district, it is hoping to get more teachers vaccinated between now and then.

SEE ALSO: Magnolia ISD board: Masks not required for in-person learning starting April 1

Pearland ISD

Pearland ISD announced it will continue the use of masks/facial coverings in schools.

"Pearland ISD received updated Public Health Guidance from Texas Education Agency (TEA) regarding Gov. Abbott's executive order of Wednesday, March 3, 2021. The update requires continued use of masks/facial covering in schools with the provision that only a local school board can modify or eliminate such requirements.

As part of the board of trustees and the district's continued efforts to keep our students and staff safe, Pearland ISD will continue to require facial coverings in all schools, district facilities and at district events for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year."

SEE ALSO: How some businesses plan to handle face mask mandate lift

Splendora ISD

In a letter to parents, Splendora said it will continue requiring masks for in-person learning.

"We only have 48 days of school left, and we remember how difficult and detrimental it was to close schools last March. We are doing everything we reasonably can to ensure that our schools remain open, our students continue learning, and school-related activities can happen.

With over 90% of our students back on campus, it is simply not feasible to maintain six feet of distance, thereby necessitating the continuation of wearing masks. Requiring masks have resulted in fewer quarantines and the continuation of school and school-related activities."

Read the district's full letter on its website.

Spring ISD

"Under this updated guidance from TEA, Spring ISD will continue its current practice of requiring all students, staff, teachers, and visitors to wear masks while in school or in district buildings."

To read the district's full release, visit its website.

Spring Branch ISD

"SBISD will continue to implement the LearnSBISD plan and its protocols, including the wearing of face masks or coverings by all students and adults in our schools and facilities.

Our decision was made following guidance from the Texas Education Agency (TEA), and after consultation with our medical partners at Memorial Hermann, as well as guidance from local, state and national government and health agencies.

We prioritize the health and safety of the SBISD Family. This school year, LearnSBISD health and safety protocols have allowed us to keep our schools open. We have now welcomed approximately 78% of our students back in-person and maintained student learning and academic progression in a safe environment amid this pandemic."

SEE ALSO: Restaurants and grocery stores hope lifting mask mandate will stay peaceful

Tarkington ISD

Tarkington ISD announced it will discontinue mandated masks and face coverings on March 10. While the mandate will be discontinued, the district adds masks and coverings will be optional but not required.

Texas City ISD

Texas City ISD announced it will continue to require masks in school and for school activities.

"As many of you may know by now, Governor Abbot rescinded the emergency mask mandate in Texas. However, the Texas Education Agency still recommends school districts continue with current safety protocols, which includes 'every student, teacher or staff member shall wear a mask over the nose and mouth...'. Therefore, Texas City ISD will continue to wear masks this school year inside school facilities and during school activities.

Our COVID-19 Task Force made up of parents, community, board members, teachers, staff, and administrators has been meeting throughout the school year to review the District's Reopening plan to make sure it is meeting the needs of our students and staff. There are a few changes that are now taking place or will be taking place soon. Most students in grades 2nd and up (exception of Levi Fry) have been rotating through the cafeteria to get their lunch. We will be rotating in younger grades and Fry students in the coming weeks. We tried this last November and had to end it after an uptick in positive cases in the county. We will continue to monitor cases this spring. In addition, we will start letting our elementary students use school playground equipment again following Spring Break. Scientific data is showing that COVID-19 doesn't last on surfaces like scientists once believed. Therefore, the outdoor playground equipment will open for children during recess. The Task Force will also look into incorporating PE equipment back into the gym later this spring."

Tomball ISD

"Tomball ISD will continue its current practice of requiring the use of masks for all students, teachers and staff through the month of May 2021.

TEA guidance states, in part: "Schools must comply with the following requirements: Every student, teacher or staff member shall wear a mask over the nose and mouth when inside a school building, school facility, facility used for school activities ..." This guidance also applies to any adult visitor on a campus or school facility for school business, any event or activity.

Students who fail to comply with mask requirements will be provided with a disposable mask. As has been the case all school year, failure to follow mask protocols may result in further disciplinary action. In addition, we will continue our practice of no visitors on campus during school hours through the remainder of the school year.

While we will require the use of masks in our schools and at our events through the end of May, masks will be optional for students during outdoor recess."

Willis ISD

"Willis ISD Board of Trustees met in a special meeting to discuss and consider health and safety protocols related to COVID-19. With only ten weeks remaining in the school year, the board voted unanimously to continue with the established safety protocols we have implemented all year, including the requirement that all staff and students wear masks / face coverings at school. We will still enforce our existing mask protocols and social distancing requirements."

The video above is from a previous story.

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