Caught on camera: Florida Highway Patrol officer tases man with hands up

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Thursday, February 26, 2015
(AP Photo/Toby Talbot)
AP Photo/Toby Talbot

KEY LARGO, FL (KTRK) -- A YouTube video showing a Florida highway patrol trooper using a taser on a 59-year-old man who had his hands up has triggered an investigation by the agency.

The incident happened on Valentines Day during a traffic stop in key largo, ABC affiliate WPLG-TV reports. The investigation into the incident didn't begin until a witness, who was filming the traffic stop, posted her video online this past Sunday.

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In the video, you can see one of the troopers pulling the man from a minivan. The man puts his hands up before another officer uses a taser on him. The man can clearly be heard screaming in pain as he falls hard to the concrete.

"Oh, my god. They tasered him!" a woman can be heard saying before asking "is he alive?".

The troopers then handcuff the man, who appears to be passed out.

"I hope we don't get harassed because I'm recording this," the videographer says before shutting off the camera.

The Florida Highway Patrol said no troopers have been suspended so far. No information has been released on the tasered man's condition or why he had been pulled over to begin with.