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early dismissal
Houston-area school and college closings and delays
See the latest school closings, delays and early dismissals for Houston-area students.
Strong gas odor prompts early dismissal at Crosby HS, district says
3 Cleveland ISD schools open at normal hours today after outages
Power and water outages reported at 3 Cleveland ISD schools
Laredo-area schools dismiss students early due to possible threat
Parents asked to pick up kids due to power outage at Spring ISD school
Crosby ISD delays school due to Flash Flood Warning
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Strong gas odor prompts early dismissal at Crosby HS, district says
3 Cleveland ISD schools open at normal hours today after outages
Power and water outages reported at 3 Cleveland ISD schools
Laredo-area schools dismiss students early due to possible threat
Parents asked to pick up kids due to power outage at Spring ISD school
Crosby ISD delays school due to Flash Flood Warning