Seventh-grader wins $10,000 cash prize after winning basketball shooting competition in North Dakota

Saturday, February 4, 2023
Kid wins $10,000 after banking 4 shots during halftime competition
"Mama, there goes that boy?" Seventh-grader JJ Franks sank four shots that would've put Micheal Jordan to shame, and he got his prize in cold hard cash.

MINOT, North Dakota -- A seventh-grader in North Dakota made making $10,000 look easy after sinking some tough basketball shots.

The student, JJ Franks, impressively hit four shots during a shoot-out competition at halftime during a basketball game at Bishop Ryan Catholic School on Jan. 27.

JJ landed a layup, free throw, three-pointer, and a half-court shot, but get this: he was only given 25 seconds!

It was tight. After his three-point shot, he only had about six seconds on the shot clock after rebounding.

JJ then shows a quarterback-esque throw from half-court to sink the last shot just as time expired, causing the entire gym to explode with cheers and claps.

Gym spectators are seen storming the court and hoisting JJ up into a victory circle.

Not only did he win the money, but he got it all in cash.