Klein Oak HS teacher charged with 5 counts of child porn possession, records show

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SPRING, Texas (KTRK) -- The Klein Oak High School principal informed parents and staffers on Wednesday with what he acknowledged as "unsettling" news: a teacher accused of accessing inappropriate images of minors online.

Principal Thomas Hensley sent a letter in the hours after authorities arrested Sebastian Baraldi, whom the Montgomery County Precinct 3 Constable's Office arrested at his home in Spring on Wednesday morning.

Records show deputies booked the 55-year-old educator on five counts of felony possession of child pornography. He's being held in the Montgomery County Jail on $250,000 bond.

Klein Oak High School teacher Sebastian Baraldi was arrested and charged with child pornography possession on Feb. 7, 2024.
Montgomery Co. Sheriff's Office

The constable's office revealed its Criminal Investigations Division began looking into an online tip last month from the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), stating several images of known child sexual assault material involving minors 5-12 years old were uploaded to a cloud-based storage device.

After investigators developed additional evidence, multiple law enforcement agencies executed a search warrant on Baraldi's home Wednesday.

After the arrest, the Klein Independent School District said it terminated Baraldi's employment after.

"We understand that this news is unsettling and are committed to transparently dealing with this situation. Our highest priority is the safety of our students, and we will continue to take all necessary steps to protect them. If the allegations prove true, we encourage the criminal justice system to take every appropriate action," the principal's the letter read in part.

Hensley urged parents to speak with their children about the matter and to report any pertinent information to him at 832-484-5101 or Klein ISD police at 832-249-4266.

ABC13's search of the Klein Oak High School website on Wednesday afternoon didn't produce a result for Baraldi's name.

SEE ALSO: Klein ISD elementary teacher accused of touching 7-year-old at school to 'gratify his sexual desire'

Matthew Stegeman, a Klein ISD elementary teacher, posted his $50,000 bond after being accused of touching a 7-year-old student at school.

Former Klein ISD teacher arrested, charged with possessing child pornography: 'Who can we trust?'

Kenneth Espree, a Klein ISD music teacher, has resigned after being charged with five counts of possessing child pornography.
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