'Drive Sober. No Regrets.' TxDOT, Mothers Against Drunk Driving warn ahead of Labor Day weekend

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Friday, August 23, 2024
'Drive Sober. No Regrets.' TxDOT launches DUI prevention campaign
TxDOT and Mothers Against Drunk Driving launched their DUI prevention campaign, "Drive Sober. No Regrets.," ahead of Labor Day weekend.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- The Texas Department of Transportation is launching "Drive Sober. No Regrets." - their drunk driving prevention campaign in effect across the Lone Star State for the Labor Day weekend.

Data from the state shows there was an average of 65 alcohol-related crashes every day on Texas roadways last year and an average of three deaths per day stemming from those crashes.

Also, in 2023, there were 334 DUI-alcohol-related traffic crashes in our state over the holiday weekend. That resulted in 14 deaths and 35 serious injuries.

RELATED: Texas ranked 3rd worst state for drunk driving in sobering new report

Sherri McCollough with Mothers Against Drunk Driving joined Eyewitness News on Friday and said they also have a campaign called Saturation Saturday.

The goal is to educate drivers and prevent injuries and deaths that are 100% avoidable.

If you plan to celebrate Labor Day with a few drinks, designate a sober driver. You can also ride share or call a cab. Both campaigns aim for everyone to make it back home safely after a fun holiday weekend.

For updates on this story, follow Briana Conner on Facebook, X and Instagram.

SEE ALSO: Texas drunk drivers will now have to pay child support if they kill a parent, guardian

The NTSB is recommending all new vehicles in the U.S. be designed with blood alcohol monitoring systems that can stop a drunk driver.