Tiny Hamster dresses as Pizza Rat for Halloween

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Monday, October 19, 2015
Tiny Hamster's latest adventure is to go trick-or-treating with his friends. He dressed up as another internet-famous rodent, Pizza Rat!
Hello Denizen/YouTube

Humans aren't the only ones who agonize over what they should be for Halloween. Come October, even internet-famous rodents have to make that decision, and Tiny Hamster settled on the perfect outfit: Pizza Rat!

You may have seen him take the most epic tiny trip to Disney World and go on the most adorable tiny date. Tiny Hamster's treat-or-treating video is no less delightful. The costume for the little digital star was inspired by a video that recently became popular online of a rat determinedly carrying a slice of pizza down a flight of stairs.

Tiny Hamster's friends Fuzzy Bunny and Guinea went as Donald Trump and "The plane from Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation," respectively. The trio goes door-to-door in a miniature neighborhood all decked out for the holiday, where they are served gummy worms, taffy and candy corn that is just the right size for them. The animals gobble up the treats at each house while showing off their carefully crafted costumes for the cameras.

Hello Denizen, the production group that creates the videos, says that animal trainers always ensure that the treats are safe to eat. The gummy bears are made out of veggie juice; the taffy is carrot wrapped in rice paper; the candy corn is corn with carrots; and the pumpkins are carved from carrots.

Will you be dressing up your pet for Halloween? Tell us about it in the comments!

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