White House sinkhole engulfs DC Twitter feeds

Monday, July 9, 2018

Reporters have filled Twitter feeds with jokes and puns about the small sinkhole that formed on the White House North Lawn near the briefing room entrance.

To prevent any incidents, White House groundskeepers covered the sinkhole with a wooden board and sectioned off with traffic cones and police tape.

While some on social media have questioned whether the erosion constitutes a legitimate sinkhole, National Park Service spokeswoman Jenny Anzelmo-Sarles put the controversy to rest.

"On Sunday, May 20, a small sinkhole was found on the north White House grounds near the entrance to the press briefing room," Anzelmo-Sarles said in a statement to ABC News. "The National Park Service has been monitoring the situation and is bringing in some additional experts to help best determine a remedy. Sinkholes, like this one, are common occurrences in the Washington area following heavy rain like the DC metro area has experienced in the last week. We do not believe it poses any risk to the White House or is representative of a larger problem."

The National Park Service will conduct further assessments of the sinkhole over the next five to ten days.

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