Statewide anti-smuggling campaign kicks off in Houston

Miya Shay Image
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
New campaign targets human smuggling
Reporter Miya Shay was at the annoucnement Tuesday morning

HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Human trafficking has long been a problem across the globe, especially here in Houston and now a number of state federal and local officials are gathered together to launch a statewide initiative.

Gov. Rick Perry, Mayor Annise Parker and a number of other elected officials all gathered at Houston City Hall Tuesday to launch this statewide campaign. There will be billboards along highways and advertising on cabs, all in an effort to try to raise awareness about this problem.

Gov. Perry says with this campaign to succeed, every Texan will have to help to in this worldwide problem.

"This modern day slave trade is an affront to basic human decency. It's a product of the absolute worst among individuals who use people's hopes and dreams to ensnare them and ruthless violence to keep them subjugated," said Gov. Perry.

Locally the Houston Human Trafficking Task Force has been in operation for a decade but as today's news conference shows the problem continues.

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