Road rage-turned-family affair after mom rams vehicle with unrestrained child on North Loop: Records

Friday, December 15, 2023
Mom accused of road rage incident with unrestrained child in car
The suspect claims it all started with the victim cutting her off. But documents add the suspect threw items and rammed into the victim's car. The suspect's mom and sister are also

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- A mother deliberately ran into someone else's vehicle several times in a fit of anger, and then called family members to the scene, who further attacked the victim, court records state.

Alyssa Rodriguez, 26, is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Her mother and sister, Melissa Mejia and Skylynn Martinez, respectively, are charged with assault-bodily injury for the Dec. 8 incident.

According to Houston police, the alleged road rage happened at about 5 p.m. on the North Loop East. Court records state Rodriguez used her vehicle as a "battering ram by striking the car multiple times and from multiple angles."

The two female drivers eventually pulled over, and while waiting for police, Mejia and Martinez showed up along IH-610 North Loop East and assaulted the victim, police said.

The alleged road rage was scary enough, and the victim told ABC13 she is so "scared" and "terrified" of all three women now.

"According to the complainant (victim), (Rodriguez) was honking at her, threw something at her car, pulled up beside her, intentionally striking the passenger's side of (victim's) car, got behind her, and struck her from behind," the magistrate read in court the day after the incident.

Rodriguez's 3-year-old child was in the car and unrestrained, the prosecutor said. The child's head hit the dashboard and was hurt when Rodriguez hit the brakes.

According to court records, Rodriguez told police the victim cut her off.

Rodriguez also has a 1-year-old. She posted a $5,000 bond and, as a bond condition, is not allowed to drive unless the court gives her permission.

An arraignment is scheduled for Jan. 10.

For more on this story, follow Jessica Willey on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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