Woman who lost dad wants people to wake up to COVID-19's reality

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Saturday, November 14, 2020
Daughter of man who died from virus: 'I lost my everything'
George Longoria, a familiar face in Houston if you've gone to Dynamo and Rockets games, died from COVID-19. His daughter wants you to watch her plea to you in the wake of her father's death.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- George Longoria, a beloved fixture at Houston Astros and Dynamo games as a security guard on the field, is one of the many lives that the coronavirus has claimed.

His death not only meant the end of his life, but it also meant seismic changes for his family.

According to his daughter Lauren Longoria, the surviving family was forced to sell their home, because George's wife lost her job in the pandemic and his death meant no money was coming in. The family was forced to move out of state.

Speaking to ABC13, Lauren offered a blunt message to those who still take the virus lightly.

"I can't tell you the amount of people - friends of my dad - who have said, 'Oh, I didn't take it seriously before your dad. I didn't know anyone else who got it,'" Lauren said. "Sorry, it took my dad to die for you to take it seriously."

She added, "I don't wish anyone having to watch their father die over a Zoom call."

In the video above, you can watch Lauren's appeal not only to all Houstonians dealing with the pandemic, but also those in the Hispanic community. She said typical medical issues, including diabetes, make Hispanics more susceptible than others to the virus.

ORIGINAL STORY: Beloved Houston Dynamo security guard dies from COVID-19

George Longoria passed away after complications from the virus. Since his death, his family has received an outpouring of support they say is keeping them going in this rough time.