Scammers turn to fake DMV websites to target consumer data

Thursday, November 19, 2020
Scammers turn to fake DMV websites
Agencies are trying to make it easy to do things like renew your license by shifting some of the workload online. Unfortunately, scammers know it.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- Government agencies are trying to make it easy to do things like renew your license by shifting some of the workload online.

Unfortunately, scammers know it.

The folks at the Houston Better Business Bureau say fake driver's license websites are popping up now.

They are not giving you a fake driver's license. Instead, they are pretending to be the real driver's license office and are just interested in getting your personal information.

When it comes to renewing your license online, you are going to be asked to provide a ton of personal information like your current driver's license number, birthdate, the last four digits of your social security and, of course, a credit card number to pay for it.

So, how do you know if you are on a real site or a fake one?

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One way is to look for the ending ".gov" in the website address, and when it comes to paying, look for the little pad lock in the address bar so you know it is a secure site.

"When you type in the address, make sure it matches what you see on other documents from the agency, what information you can find online," said Leah Napoliello of the Houston BBB. "Just check it and make sure everything is spelled correctly."

Also, using a credit card can help you if you do use a fake site.

Be sure to check your accounts regularly to see if suspicious charges show up.

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